Attention Marketing -
the art of attention

We intensely work with the worlds of business,
government institutions and NGOs.

We build communication
strategies supporting sales

Attention Marketing Consulting means business consulting that improves
key sales figures and company image perception.

Improvement of
image perception





Attention Marketing is the art of attention management. It is the way of thinking
about strategic management, sales, marketing and PR as a space where we compete
for the attention of Clients, Employees and the surrounding business environment.

The Attention Marketing method helps dissolve the traditional
division of companies into B2B (business to business) and
B2C (business to consumer) models. Each Client, whether a
consumer or a manager seeking a contractor, is first of all a conscious
individual participating in the process of communication.
This is why among our Clients we promote the business-to-human
model (B2H), where the Client is an individual and the Client’s needs matter most.

As content providers we strongly stress content quality, adhering to the principle
that whenever the content is valuable and attractive, it becomes wanted.

Attention Marketing means business advisory which improves key sales
figures and company image perception. We build communication strategies
grounded on positive narratives, strongly relying on pro-sales actions which
result from those strategies. We understand our Client’s business – Client’s goals,
needs and problems. We skilfully combine our knowledge of management,
HR, R&D, sales, marketing, PR and IT with practical experience of running
strategic projects.

Our role with the Clients is to facilitate and manage complex projects
combining business and communication. We are involved in creating
the company’s development strategy and manage the Client’s
relations with the surrounding environment.

We intensely work with the worlds of business, government
institutions and non-governmental organisations

Our key area of operations:

  • improvement of image perception and boosting the brand value
  • sales support
  • investor relations – with current and potential owners
  • support for community affairs, public affairs and communication with NGOs
  • relations with employees and internal communication

Attention Marketing Sp. z o.o.
ul. Ogrodowa 58, 00-876 Warszawa
tel: +48 605 561 861

The content we create is
valuable and attractive and
that’s why it is wanted.


Attention Marketing Research provides top-quality content in the form of surveys,
reports and market analyses used for communication and sales activities.

Attention Marketing Research is a combination of know-how and experience of
Attention Marketing consultants and market researchers from PMR Consulting & Research.
This is how we provide top-quality content in the form of surveys, reports and analyses
used for communication and sales activities.

Marketing and market research in Poland still remains an underrated component of
business strategies and communication campaigns. In Attention Marketing we make sure
that the content we produce for our Clients addresses real problems and needs of
their Customers. Following this approach we create materials that build brand
awareness and value and strengthen the brand’s connection with the surrounding
environment, which translates into better sales results.

What makes us special is the unique combination of  strategic and communication
advisory experience and a wide offer of market research for many business sectors and
segments. The Attention Marketing method is to exceptionally build research tools, so
that their results are used to the maximum when building the strategy and developing
your business, when creating new products and services, when conducting communication
projects, which build and support your sales.

Beneficiaries of the surveys conducted by Attention Marketing Research include management
boards of companies and all corporate strategic departments such as R&D, sales,
marketing and PR. Our role is to facilitate your operations by skilfully shaping  the
organisation’s goals into research projects.

With our competence and experience regarding market research and analyses we
are able to help both large international corporations and small businesses create and
implement their business strategies.

Our research projects support a number of our Clients’
strategic business areas through:

  • supporting sales, both in B2C and B2B segments
    (lead generation, optimisation of sales and service processes)
  • support of marketing and communication activities
  • measuring current trends in our Client’s sector and benchmarking
  • optimisation of communication and sales strategies addressing customer expectations
  • delivery of unique content for web sites, social media and support of
    projects in digital channels – professional support during public events –
    seminars, conventions, conferences or sales workshops

Attention Marketing Sp. z o.o.
ul. Ogrodowa 58, 00-876 Warszawa
tel: +48 605 561 861

We help you build brand
awareness by resolving
people’s problems

The Attention Marketing Institute foundation promotes “the good side of marketing”.
We invoke trends of communication which should be valuable to the Client
at every step of the contact process.

In addition to cooperation within the sector, our goal is to prepare
recommendations for companies, institutions and NGOs on the basis of
current trends in the fields of marketing, communication and sales.

The goals of the Foundation are to popularise and support the concept of
attention marketing, grounded on ethical behaviours in business which solves
people’s problems and does not generate artificial needs. We carry out research,
cultural and educational projects and support innovations in business.

Each year, on a sample of several hundreds of Polish medium and large companies,
we conduct “Attention Marketing Research” project where we demonstrate current
trends within the fields of marketing, advertising and PR, along with recommendations.

Together with our partner, ADVALUE, we support Brand Social Responsibility®.

The foundation’s Scientific Council is made up of figures from the worlds of business,
science, media and NGOs.

Attention Marketing Institute offers a wide range of training programs designed for
companies, universities, academies, NGOs and other institutions interested in changes
occurring in today’s world in the fields of media and communication activity related to
marketing, PR and sales.

Examples of training topics:

  • change or disappear – world trends in marketing and PR vs. local conditions
  • how digital regulation changes sales and communication behaviours?
  • company as a content maker. If you don’t like it, change it yourself!
  • adjectives weaken nouns, or how to communicate with people today
  • why we need communication strategy?
  • communication in crisis

Attention Marketing Sp. z o.o.
ul. Ogrodowa 58, 00-876 Warszawa
tel: +48 605 561 861

Our Management Team
Maciej Sokołowski
Partner Attention Marketing Sp. z o.o.
Strategic communication advisory has continuously been my area of interest since 2004. Before I worked as a reporter in a news agency.

I specialise in content creation, provision of consulting services, preparing and implementing communication strategies, both in B2B and B2C segments, focused on marketing and image objectives but also supporting the adopted sales strategies of organisations. So far I have been responsible for strategic advisory and communication management services rendered to companies operating in the fields of new technologies, telecommunications, finance, HR consulting, armaments, legal advisory and luxury goods.

I am a father of Mikołaj – a young football player. For years I have been a keen fan of Legia – Warsaw’s football club – and an enthusiast of food travels
Our Management Team
Maciej Sokołowski
Partner Attention Marketing Sp. z o.o.
Strategic communication advisory has continuously been my area of interest since 2004. Before I worked as a reporter in a news agency.

I specialise in content creation, provision of consulting services, preparing and implementing communication strategies, both in B2B and B2C segments, focused on marketing and image objectives but also supporting the adopted sales strategies of organisations. So far I have been responsible for strategic advisory and communication management services rendered to companies operating in the fields of new technologies, telecommunications, finance, HR consulting, armaments, legal advisory and luxury goods.

I am a father of Mikołaj – a young football player. For years I have been a keen fan of Legia – Warsaw’s football club – and an enthusiast of food travels
Our consultants supported